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E. M. Forster "The Machine Stops"

Did anything in this story feel familiar? Did anything seem distant or difficult to understand?​

WOW! This does sound familiar because the book is describing our time during COVID 19 and how we were in lockdown. It literally felt like the Machine stopped. But in our case the world stopped working, we weren't allowed to leave our homes. We had to use zoom and other forms of visual communication to do anything like going to work, school, getting food, appointment with medical professional. Like everything can be done through our phone, computer, tablet or any other smart device. It just crazy how it relates to our society during the bad times of Covid (Lockdown). Like we got so fed up at staying home and we just wanted to be there in person and see others and like we craved to go out and interact with others. Just like how Kuno craved to touch his mother or see her in person and how stubborn he was. We were all so stubborn during lockdown and how annoying things got because you would eat, sleep, work and just do everything single thing at home. You just weren't allowed to go out.

Why do you think we would we read such a story in a computer programming class?

The reason we read this story is because it is showing us that if a Machine stops the whole world goes crazy an that nothing will go right or work. So in a programming class you need to understand your code and make sure your code is working properly and that there are no bugs. Because as a programmer you need to be perfect because one mistake can ruin the whole lot or chaos will occur in that specific company or firm you work for. That's why programmer are needed in our world because programmers are precise, well orientated, and they work like a computer . But this story is really important to understand because it relates to the end of the world as well, like if the internet doesn't work people will go crazy. If our daily devices don't work and something goes wrong it will be effect so much in our world, that it can get chaotic.

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